So, you had a problem with the snake in your house or around
your property and you took the sensible step of trapping it so
that it can be removed. No matter what kind of snake you have,
even if it is venomous, you do not want a snake in your home
that can endanger you, your family, or your pets. The sensible
thing was to trap it so that you could remove it and that is
what you have done.
While you didn’t want the snake in your home, you may not have
thought it was a good idea to have simply killed it. Wanted to
just exclude from your property but not destroy it. This is why
you decided to trap it and not just kill it. The question still
is what to do with the snake now?
Seek to Relocate It
Once you have trapped the snake the best thing that you can do
is to find a safe place to relocate it. That may make you wonder
where is the ideal place that you should use to relocate a
trapped snake? Good question.
Before making any kind of determination a few factors should be
considered. First of all, you want to make sure that the
environment that you release the snake into is one where it has
a good likelihood of survival. It is already been established
that you didn’t want to simply destroy the snake, so giving it
the best chance of success once it is released is important as
well. You want to find locations where there are good sources of
food and water, shelter, and the unlikely occurrence of
predators to the snake being in the vicinity.
The truth is the around your home is probably an environment
that the snake would thrive in. Otherwise, it would not have
been around your property in the first place. This is a great
starting point for you. Think about the kinds of vegetation,
insects, small animals, and other environmental factors that are
around your home that were enticing to the snake in the first
place. If you want to remove it far away from your property than
you want to find a place that is similar to the land you live
In the case of a venomous kind of snake you surely do not want
it to remain around your property. This puts you, your family,
and your pets at grave risk and so you want to find a location
that works perfectly that is probably far away from your home.
The Relocation
Once you have found the location where you intend to relocate
the snake, here are a couple of safety tips to keep in mind.
When handling the trap that you were going to use to transport
the snake always ensure that you are wearing gloves. You don’t
want to take the risk of accidentally being bitten by the wild
reptile, and you also don’t want to get bacteria that is on the
snake on to you. This can be quite dangerous to your health and
so taking a precaution like this is common sense.
In addition, most traps that you will buy have a door that you
simply leave open and allow the snake to find its own way out.
Don’t reach in to try to grab the snake! Simply let it figure
out its own way out of the trap and once it is left the area
where you set the trap down, you simply grab your trap and go
home. This will keep you safe and give the snake the opportunity
to get back into the wild.
For more information about Where should I relocate a trapped
snake?, go to my Snake
Removal - How to Get Rid of Snakes home page.