How do snakes produce venom?

The venom is made using the organs that evolved from the salivary glands. Normal saliva has enzymes that will help in digesting the food that a person chews, and natural selection has favored the snakes which include more toxic enzymes in their saliva. It has been discovered that the toxins in the venom are just variations of the ordinary proteins. The prey have evolved their immunity gradually and have been able to respond to over 50-100 types of protein that are used to alter the blood pressure, prevent the blood clotting or paralyze the nerves.

Normal people will spit and they are not venomous. The venom was selected for a subset of some animals in the animal kingdom, and this includes cone snails, bees, centipedes, scrapings, spiders, jellyfish and vipers. The animals are known to produce the substance that can attack the victim in a matter of seconds. According to what is being targeted in the body, the venom can paralyze the nerves, can rot the muscle, and it will stop the blood so that it does not clot.

The venom is made using only one single gene, but some snakes have a cocktail of these genes. Delivering of the venom requires more equipment. The venom is being produced by special glands and then will have to be transported to the victim using the fangs of the snake. The venom genes are the same as other genes that are used to do different jobs, and this is both in venomous snakes and non-venomous snakes. Some are related to the immune system proteins that will protect the body against bacteria while others are related to the digestive enzymes.

How the enzyme turned into venom was that the mutation made the DNA duplicated and the duplication meant that twice the proteins were made.

The venom in general is being produced by the specialized glands, and it will be delivered to the targeted animals after the infliction of a wound even if it is tiny. The venom contains molecules that will disrupt the biochemical and physiological process in order to facilitate the defense and feeding process of the snake. The snakes will use their fangs to transmit the venom to the victim. Fangs are sharp, grooved teeth and hollow and they are connected to the head of the snake behind the eyes. These sacs are where the venom is being produced. When the snake bites, the venom will then be released and it will start working at once in order to paralyze and kill the prey. When the snake loses its fangs, it will grow more.

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