While there are many people who love snakes, the fact of the
matter is that the vast majority find them to be creepy
creatures that they just don’t want around their home or
business. Even if you are not talking about the venomous kinds,
these are still not the kind of creatures that a person wants
around. The way that they slither across the ground, the creepy
look and feel to them, and the way that they mysteriously appear
out of the grass, bushes, or other hidden area makes them the
kind of animal that most simply don’t want around.
Once again, that is just related to those that are non-venomous.
When you add in the fact that some can kill you simply by the
poison they release when they bite you then it is easy to see
why these are such unpopular reptiles with most people.
Even with the dislike that a large number of people have for
these animals, there are still plenty of people who would like
to get rid of a snake if it is in their home or directly around
their property, yet, they do not want to go to the step of
actually killing the animal. They want to know how to get rid of
snakes without killing them?
There Are Many Options Available
If this is the avenue that you are seeking to take, you should
be aware that there are actually plenty of options available to
you that do not really in danger the life of the snake it all.
This gives you the opportunity to meet your goal of getting rid
of the snake without having to worry about your method being
The best option available to you is the simple use of a trap.
There are plenty of commercial traps that you can use to capture
a snake that will allow you to then move it to another location
to let it go. Of course, before deciding on the trap that you
want to use you need to make sure that you have a fairly good
idea of what the size is of your snake. There are some traps
that are made for much larger size snakes, meaning that the size
between the bars on the cage are larger in area. This means that
if you put a smaller sized snake into the trap it will be able
to get away. That’s no solution at all!
Another great way to get rid of the snake is to simply remove
the places that it can use for refuge. The fact of the matter is
that you are likely to have created a hospitable environment so
that the snake found your home the ideal location to live. This
can be from such simple ideas as having a bunch of weeds and
branches that you through into a corner, having a rock pile, or
an open space underneath your shed. All of these make for an
ideal location for the snake to hide and reside.
If you want to resolve this kind of issue, all that you have to
do is clean these areas up. Get rid of those branches and weeds.
Whatever you are intending to use the rocks for, it may be time
to implement that. Fill in the gap underneath your shed so that
there is no place for the snake.
What you see is that it does not take a great deal of work to
keep a snake away from your home. You just need to follow the
necessary steps or use the right kind of equipment to achieve
your goal.
For more information about How to get rid of snakes without
killing them, go to my Snake
Removal - How to Get Rid of Snakes home page.
Here are more educational articles I wrote:
Does sulfur or lime keep snakes away?
Do mothballs help repel snakes?