How big do snakes get?

The longest snake in the entire world is the reticulated python, and it can measure over 30 feet in length. The heaviest snake is a green anaconda and it may weigh over 550 pounds. The length and the weight of the snakes are different according to their species. One example of a small snake is the Barbados thread snake that measures only 4 inches when it is full grown.

Above is the largest breeding snake in the USA (lives and breeds in south Florida), the Burmese Python.

Even though the reticulated python may grow to reach some extreme lengths, the specimens of large snakes are not easy to find. Some may grow between 10 to 20 feet in their lengths. They may weigh from 2.2 pounds to 165.3 pounds. This type of python is normally considered as dangerous to humans because it is a nonvenomous constrictor. This is the same as the green anaconda, and even though it is heavy, a 550 pound snake is an exception rather than the rule. Many green anacondas may weigh only up to 330 pounds.

They can be over 20 feet in length. Prehistoric snake species were even bigger than the reticulated python, and the discovery of snake fossils have led to researchers estimating that the prehistoric snakes may have measured over 49 feet in length – around the length of a school bus. Wildlife and humans have coexisted since the dawn of time. There has been increased interaction between wild animals and people in the more recent times due to humans’ extensive development and encroachment on the natural habitats of numerous animals. This means it is more common for people to find wild animals such as raccoons, opossums, and deer on their property. Wild animals are known to be quite destructive and can carry dangerous diseases that can pose a risk to humans. There are over 3000 species of snakes in the entire world, and each type of snake lives on every continent except Antarctica. With many different species, the snakes are found in many sizes. The smallest snake is called the thread snake, and it can grow to 3.9 inches or 10 centimeters long. It is more like an earthworm. The largest snake can reach up to 9 meters. The fossils of the largest snake were from the Titanoboa that may have lived 60 million years ago. It was 50 feet long.

Learn how snakes smell their environment.

It is a common misconception that all snakes will build nests where they can lay their eggs. However, one species of snake that can build a nest for its young ones is a king cobra. Snakes will not always lay eggs. Over 70 percent of snakes may lay eggs, and these snakes are known to be oviparous. The remaining 30 percent will give birth live as mammals do. This happens where climates may be too cold to let eggs hatch. Snakes are classified as carnivores, and this means that they will only eat meat.

Water snakes in the USA tend to be a lot fatter than land snakes. For more information, go to my Snake Removal - How to Get Rid of Snakes home page. You may also want to read Do snakes climb trees?, or Do snakes jump?