24/7 Cell Phone: 916-603-5794

We are a full service Sacramento wildlife removal company specializing in snake control in Sacramento. If our guy is not available, you can do a search for a different Sacramento snake removal company, but be sure you are comfortable with their service and prices before you hire. Sacramento snake control is of course a specialty field, and not every expert in you hire is the same - you don't want to hire a snake exterminator or pest control company, but a specialty California wild animal removal professional to
provide you with Sacramento County CA snake removal help.
Common Snakes of Sacramento, CA: The most common snakes in Sacramento include rat snakes, garter snakes, and racers. In water, common water snakes. These are not dangerous. Venomous snakes of Sacramento are rare and may include rattlesnakes or copperhead/cottonmouth. For a full description of all snake species in Sacramento, with photos and identification of all poisonous species,
visit www.sacramentosnakes.com
Sacramento California Snake Situation: Loved your website (well truthfully I didn't...i HATE snakes, but building courage here so bear with me:) all of the information and helpful tips on your site. thank you for taking the time to do that. my mother found about a foot long (some have told us fresh) snake skin wrapped around the frame of our pull out sofa. the sofa has been in our house for about 3-4 weeks and i've made the bed several times and never noticed it before (it rested in our garage for about a day or two before being moved into the house, which is often wide open with 4 kiddos going in and out). there are lots of details surrounding the possibility of this snake already being in the house before we moved here (renting this house that has been closed up for more than 10 years or so), but more than anything this is just the enemy's way of playing with my mind....we are in the process of moving to Africa to serve as full time medical missionaries with our four children. i know that probably just provided a great laugh! anyhow, the markings and colorings on this skin are pretty noticeable and from your diagrams, it looks venomous (still trusting it not to be, but it certainly wouldn't be surprising given the circumstances:). I've attached some pics. please let me know if i need to send anything else your way. thank you too for your service...I know my KING will deliver :)!
Learn more about Venomous Snakes of California and Common Snakes of California.
For more information on Sacramento snake removal, identifying snakes of Sacramento County California, or general snake help, browse this site, or go to Snake Removal - How to Get Rid of Snakes
home page. I wish you good luck with your Sacramento snake problem!