24/7 Cell Phone: 251-545-3427

We are a full service Mobile wildlife removal company specializing in snake control in Mobile. If our guy is not available, you can do a search for a different Mobile snake removal company, but be sure you are comfortable with their service and prices before you hire. Mobile snake control is of course a specialty field, and not every expert in you hire is the same - you don't want to hire a snake exterminator or pest control company, but a specialty Alabama wild animal removal professional to
provide you with Mobile County AL snake removal help.
Common Snakes of Mobile, AL: The most common snakes in Mobile include rat snakes, garter snakes, and racers. In water, common water snakes. These are not dangerous. Venomous snakes of Mobile are rare and may include rattlesnakes or copperhead/cottonmouth. For a full description of all snake species in Mobile, with photos and identification of all poisonous species,
visit www.mobilesnakes.com
Mobile Alabama Snake Situation: Hi David, I have what I feel is a Black Racer in my shrub beds. They are well trimmed and two feet away from the house. There are two rows of shrubs and trimmed so, you can see between them. The tall ones are 3 feet tall at best and the lower ones in front 1-1.5 feet tall. Lawn in front of them. It seems about 60percent of the time I'm in the area I hear the leaves moving etc., and I have seen the snake 3 times in the last 5 weeks but, heard probably 4-5 more times. Curious if you service Mobile AL and if so, if you could give me an estimate on making it go away. I enjoy keeping things trimmed up but, now I'm hesitant to work much there. I mulched a week or so ago and I guess this will make things more comfy for the snake. Look forward to hearing from you. Thank You, Larry
My name is Jodi. I have 3 children who LOVE nature and we are about to sign a contact on a home of of dreams (10+ acres. Although I was an avid/hiker I have become increasingly (totally) frightened of snakes... Esp. The venomous kind. Yikers. What would you charge to come out to Mobile AL, walk and talk about the property with me before I sign the contract. There is a beautiful lake ( and marsh, uh-oh) on one side. My husbands name is Gray. I lost my cell. Will you call us. I need some education, big time! Thank you so much, Jodi Pridgen you have a brave heart, like Billy the Exterminator! :)
Dear Dave, Today I rescued a snake from our pool and transported him to a safe place far from our home. He was 7-8 inches long. I couldn't tell if it was juvenile or full-grown. He looked something like the Florida Ringneck Snake in your photo gallery. However, his ring was orange-red as was his underside which was bordered by long, thin yellow stripes. We've lived in Orlando for ten years and I've never seen one like this. Your gallery, by the way, is awesome. Are they dangerous at all and should I report the sighting to any local officials? Are they attracted by water? Sincerely, Joe
For more information on Mobile snake removal, identifying snakes of Mobile County Alabama, or general snake help, browse this site, or go to Snake Removal - How to Get Rid of Snakes
home page. I wish you good luck with your Mobile snake problem!