24/7 Cell Phone: 786-574-3995

We are a full service Miami wildlife removal company specializing in snake control in Miami. If our guy is not available, you can do a search for a different Miami snake removal company, but be sure you are comfortable with their service and prices before you hire. Miami snake control is of course a specialty field, and not every expert in you hire is the same - you don't want to hire a snake exterminator or pest control company, but a specialty Florida wild animal removal professional to
provide you with Miami-Dade County FL snake removal help.
Common Snakes of Miami, FL: The most common snakes in Miami include rat snakes, garter snakes, and racers. In water, common water snakes. These are not dangerous. Venomous snakes of Miami are rare and may include rattlesnakes or copperhead/cottonmouth. For a full description of all snake species in Miami, with photos and identification of all poisonous species,
visit www.miamisnakes.com
Miami Florida Snake Situation: How to get a snake out from under your shed - There are very few ways to lure a snake out from under a shed. The most effective way to go about it is with the use of a snake trap. One of the most useful models on the market uses an enclosed glue pad to secure the snake once it enters the trap. The snake-attractant dots will draw the animal inside, and the glue will hold it firmly in place. Snakes that are caught in the glue trap are still alive, so it is very important that you monitor the box daily. Captured animals can be freed from the glue by applying vegetable oil. There is no need to touch the snake. After a few minutes the animal is able to work itself free. This is the ideal method for capturing a snake. Because these animals are very useful to you and your property, it is not advisable to kill a snake when you discover one. Once the animal has been removed, you will want to close up the bottom of your shed as best as possible. Snakes are not the most common nuisance animal, but leaving the shed open may invite more serpents or other, harder to remove pests.
David, I wish to think you for your contribution to serpentoxin. This money will be used to help propagate these majestic creatures in captivity. We never sell Eastern Diamondbacks nor do we make any money from propagating or selling any snakes. The EDbs are only propagated to their venom production. The snakes are not milked which involves messaging and squeezing the venom glands. Regardless of what is said on any documentary it can be harmful and probably cause of additional discomfort. We cannot ask the snake. Admittedly the snakes are already stressed by handling and would like to be left alone. We do not "milk the venom" but hold the snake in front of the diaphragm on the collection apparatus and typically in most cases the snake readily bites the soft membrane simulating living tissue or skin. The snake releases just the amount of venom as it naturally does on its own. By increasing the numbers of EDB, I only secondly intend on increasing production, but foremost to reduce extracting, handling and stressing the snakes. Ultimately the intention is to rotate more often and to increase the amount of time that the snakes that are good eaters and acclimate to the outdoor enclosure to remain in the simulated natural environment. Please keep in touch. I hope to organize and find time to produce a news letter, to show how people like you help to promote venom research and preservation of the animals that produce the venom. In our case the preservation of the Eastern diamondback rattlesnake. Lee
Learn more about Venomous Snakes of Florida and Common Snakes of Florida.
For more information on Miami snake removal, identifying snakes of Miami-Dade County Florida, or general snake help, browse this site, or go to Snake Removal - How to Get Rid of Snakes
home page. I wish you good luck with your Miami snake problem!