24/7 Cell Phone: 931-278-6800

We are a full service Clarksville wildlife removal company specializing in snake control in Clarksville. If our guy is not available, you can do a search for a different Clarksville snake removal company, but be sure you are comfortable with their service and prices before you hire. Clarksville snake control is of course a specialty field, and not every expert in you hire is the same - you don't want to hire a snake exterminator or pest control company, but a specialty Tennessee wild animal removal professional to
provide you with Montgomery County TN snake removal help.
Common Snakes of Clarksville, TN: The most common snakes in Clarksville include rat snakes, garter snakes, and racers. In water, common water snakes. These are not dangerous. Venomous snakes of Clarksville are rare and may include rattlesnakes or copperhead/cottonmouth. For a full description of all snake species in Clarksville, with photos and identification of all poisonous species,
visit www.clarksvillesnakes.com
Clarksville Tennessee Snake Situation: We found these in our basement last night. It is a poured cement basement. No cinder blocks. The larger skin was found near the door to the outside, which is almost never opened, next to our washer. We Checked the vent hose for the dryer. All seems intact and undisturbed there. The smaller one was found wound around wiring that runs along the ground level ledge that runs around the top of our unfinished basement wall. We have never seen a snake on our property in the six years we've been here. Although, I think its obvious we have at least one in our basement. Our house is on the market, so we have people here for showings fairly often. Any help you can give us in identifying what type of snake is here, would be greatly appreciated.
Hi, I just saw your website and am interested to know if you can ID this snake skin I found in my garage. I'm very curious because we spend a good deal of time in there, my laundry area is in there and my kids outdoor toys, so I thought it would be unusual for a snake to be in such a high traffic area of my home. Thank you so much for your time and any help you can give.
Hi David - I found your website while looking for how to identify a snake. This afternoon while returning from getting my mail I noticed a shedded snake skin just by a garden area right near my front door. I live in Central Florida, Cocoa (west) near Rte 95 North. I own 1 1/3 acre of property that is surrounded by lots of trees on 3 sides. I have tons of snakes here but usually only see them in my backyard. I'm petrified of snakes & I never bother them. I make a deal with all animals & bugs I don't like if you stay away from me & leave my house alone, you can live. LMAO! Yes, I'm a bit crazy. However I do have 2 back porches & 3 cats who like to go on the outer back porch so I'd really appreciate it if you could please identify this skin & let me know what it is. I also have at least one eagles nest on my property & do have owls & hawks that come to visit as well. I think very wonderful that you're willing to provide your time for free. I'm grateful for your help.
For more information on Clarksville snake removal, identifying snakes of Montgomery County Tennessee, or general snake help, browse this site, or go to Snake Removal - How to Get Rid of Snakes
home page. I wish you good luck with your Clarksville snake problem!