24/7 Cell Phone: 734-418-4035

We are a full service Ann Arbor wildlife removal company specializing in snake control in Ann Arbor. If our guy is not available, you can do a search for a different Ann Arbor snake removal company, but be sure you are comfortable with their service and prices before you hire. Ann Arbor snake control is of course a specialty field, and not every expert in you hire is the same - you don't want to hire a snake exterminator or pest control company, but a specialty Michigan wild animal removal professional to
provide you with Washtenaw County MI snake removal help.
Common Snakes of Ann Arbor, MI: The most common snakes in Ann Arbor include rat snakes, garter snakes, and racers. In water, common water snakes. These are not dangerous. Venomous snakes of Ann Arbor are rare and may include rattlesnakes or copperhead/cottonmouth. For a full description of all snake species in Ann Arbor, with photos and identification of all poisonous species,
visit www.annapolissnakes.com
Ann Arbor Michigan Snake Situation: Hi, I am writing you from Ann Arbor area of Michigan. We live on the chain of lakes, on a channel. I am new to this enviornment and I HATE SNAKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have discovered that we have Blue Racers in our property and they scare the hell out of me. We have already captured and killed one as I almost mistaked it for my soaker hose as I went to grab it. He was at least a yard long and about 2-3 inches round in the middle of his length. He was really fast as we chased him. Well this past Saturday, I stumbled upon another one as we scared the hell out of eachother. This one was about the same size as the one we killed last month. I think that I discovered the hole. We put bleach and ammonia down the hole to either flush him out or kill it. Please share with me how to rid our property of these snakes. I have a little 6 lb dog that I now watch every minute she it out. I want to enjoy our property without being so fightened by these snakes. Please help me.
I found a garter snake in my grill. I live in Indianola, Iowa. The grill is black and has a cover on it. I frequently find tree frogs on it. I assume the snake ate a tree frog in there. I am wondering how the snake got up there. It was about 18 inches long. The grill is on my deck that is at least 10 feet up. The deck posts are smooth, I have vinyl siding on the house, and there are stairs. There is a tree nearby but the branches do not come all the way to the deck. It stayed on the grill for a couple of days and is now gone. Just curious how it might have gotten up there and then back down. Thanks.
My 8 years old son Elijah from this snake skin in our wood retainer wall. We have seen lots of snakes in our yard over the past two years. Most of them were just black snakes that we think were rats snakes. However, we have seen a copperhead snake this past summer as well. My son is very interested in learning more about the different types of snakes. Could you please look at the image to see if you can determine the type of snake skin? Thank you very much. Becky
For more information on Ann Arbor snake removal, identifying snakes of Washtenaw County Michigan, or general snake help, browse this site, or go to Snake Removal - How to Get Rid of Snakes
home page. I wish you good luck with your Ann Arbor snake problem!